MRCP PACES, Feb/Mar 2023 Exam: Instant Insights

Reflections on the 2023/1 MRCP PACES exam, including advice from candidates and expert opinion from Pastest.

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MRCP PACES Instant Insights

The PACES 2023/1 exam is the penultimate diet before the exam format changes for candidates to its new structure that was initially revealed all the way back in early 2020. A few things happened in the meantime that postponed the changeover but it's now finally upon us!

For further information regarding the new format see our Pastest Complete Guide to the PACES exam

PACES Exam Outcomes 2023/1

These insights are based on feedback received from Pastest users who completed a survey in April 2023.

81% of Pastest users passed the exam (the average pass rate reported by MRCP(UK) in 2020 was 53%!). 

- The most commonly failed station was Station 1 Abdominal & Station 3 Cardiovascular

- The least commonly failed station was Station 4: Communication Skills & Ethics

Most Commonly Seen Cases in the 2023/1 Exam (in order)

(As reported by Pastest customers)

- Station 1 -  Respiratory:

1. Interstitial Lung Disease

2. Bronchiectasis

3. Lobectomy


5. Pulmonary Fibrosis

- Station 1 - Abdominal:

1. Renal Transplant

2. Chronic Liver Disease

3. Liver Transplant

4. Polycystic Kidney Disease

5. Splenomegaly

- Station 2 - History Taking:

1. Back Pain

2. Syncope

3. Diarrhoea

4. Vertigo

5. Transcient Ischaemic Attack

- Station 3 - Cardiovascular:

1. Aortic Valve Replacement

2. Mitral Valve Replacement

3. Aortic Stenosis

4. Mitral Regurgitation

5. Aortic Regurgitation

- Station 3 - Neurology:

1. Parkinson's Disease

2. Peripheral Neuropathy

3. Spastic Paraparesis

4. Charcot-Marie-Tooth

5. Multiple Sclerosis

- Station 4 - Communication Skills:

1. Breaking Bad News

2. Medical Error

3. Explaining Management & Treatment

4. Angry Family Member

5. Discussing Do Not Resuscitate

- Station 5 - Clinical Consultation:

1. Headaches

2. Psoriatic Arthritis

3. Shortness of Breath

4. TIA

5. Ankylosing Spondylitis


PACES Exam Outcomes 2022/1

These insights are based on feedback received from Pastest users who completed a survey in April 2022.

- The most commonly failed station was Station 3: Neurology

- The least commonly failed station was Station 4: Communication Skills & Ethics

Most Commonly Seen Cases in the 2022/1 Exam

(As reported by Pastest customers)

- Station 1 -  Respiratory:

- Pneumonectomy

- Lobectomy


- Interstitial Lung Disease

- Double Lung Transplant

- Station 1 - Abdominal:

- Renal Transplant

- Polycystic Kidney Disease

- Chronic Liver Disease

- Splenomegaly

- Hepatomegaly with some Ascites

- Station 2 - History Taking:

- Addison's Disease

- Chest Pain

- Headaches

- Syncope

- Station 3 - Cardiovascular:

- Aortic Valve Replacement

- Aortic Stenosis

- Mitral Valve Replacement

- Mitral Regurgitation

- Station 3 - Neurology:

- Parkinson’s Disease

- Charcot-Marie-Tooth

- Spastic Paraparesis

- Peripheral Neuropathy

- Cerebellar Syndrome Lower Limbs

- Station 4 - Communication Skills:

- Breaking Bad News

- Medical Error

- Angry Family Member

- Explaining Importance of Treatment

- Explaining Management & Treatment

- Anaphylaxis

- Station 5 - Clinical Consultation:

- Rheumatoid Arthritis


- Acromegaly

- Systematic Sclerosis

- Collapse

  • Diabetes complications

PACES Exam Outcomes 2021/3

These insights are based on feedback received from Pastest users who completed a  survey in December 2021.

- 86.7% Pastest users passed the exam (the average pass rate reported by MRCP(UK) in 2020 was 53%!). 

- The most commonly failed station was Station 3: Neurology.

- The least commonly failed stations were Station 1: Respiratory & Station 3: Cardiology.

Most Commonly Seen Cases in the 2021/3 Exam

(As reported by Pastest customers)

- Station 1 -  Respiratory:

- Pneumonectomy

- Lobectomy


- Interstitial Lung Disease

- VATS Right Sided

- Station 1 - Abdominal:

- Renal Transplant

- Polycystic Kidney Disease

- Chronic Liver Disease

- Crohn's Disease

- Liver Transplant

- Station 2 - History Taking:

- Addison's Disease

- Weight Loss

- Palpitations

- Station 3 - Cardiovascular:

- Aortic Valve Replacement

- Aortic Stenosis

- Mitral Valve Replacement

- Mitral Regurgitation

- Station 3 - Neurology:

- Parkinson’s Disease

- Charcot-Marie-Tooth

- Spastic Paraparesis

- Peripheral Neuropathy

- Hemiplegia

- Station 4 - Communication Skills:

- Breaking Bad News

- Medical Error

- Angry Family Member

- Barrett's Oesophagus Explanation/Counselling

- Explaining Management & Treatment

- Station 5 - Clinical Consultation:

- Ankylosing Spondylitis


- Chest Pain

- Headaches

- Parkinson's

Are you preparing for the MRCP PACES exam? We can help! Take out our free MRCP PACES trial today, and see what it’s like to get the Pastest Advantage.

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