iSAAC - A Customer View

Dipen Patel, a Pastest MRCP 1 and MRCP 2 user (who passed both the first time!) has shared his thoughts on iSAAC - our new MRCP 1 AI feature designed to serve the most relevant and critical questions for exam success, based on a user's strengths, weaknesses and the weighting of questions in the exam.

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Dipen Patel, a Pastest MRCP 1 and MRCP 2 user (who passed both the first time!) has shared his thoughts on iSAAC - our new MRCP 1 AI feature designed to serve the most relevant and critical questions for exam success, based on a user's strengths, weaknesses and the weighting of questions in the exam.

"After reading the medical books and other online materials for MRCP Part 1, I came across Pastest - one of the best platforms for medical studies, especially MRCP.  The format of multiple choice questions (MCQs) with accurate explanations makes it 'THE BEST'. There are different specialities with appropriate synchronized knowledge. Pastest is unique as it is very refined and with the introduction of iSAAC - intelligently served, algorithmically adapted content - it is a boon for all the medicos preparing for MRCP.

MRCP 1 is one of the most competitive exams in today's medical world. Although many online services and medical preparatory courses are available, the most useful tool iSAAC is created by Pastest only.

My personal experience of using iSAAC was one of the most educating I've had. The system initially looked into different sections and different specialities I was solving. Gradually it adapted to my pattern and targeted my weaker sections. The system gets you to study the specialities you really need to and prepares you for the real exam. The pattern of the MCQs is similar to that of the real MRCP 1 exam. Pastest is a little more competitive, so the real exam is just a walk-through.

iSAAC is a very effective system to get you through MRCP Part 1; even it helps in studying Internal Medicine. Many of us doctors are worried about studying difficult specialities, as MRCP 1 consists of more than 12 subjects. iSAAC simplifies matters and makes you study without fear of any subjects. You may go through dermatology, neurology, psychiatry, while studying other subjects too. That's what iSAAC is so good at. You can study and revise an entire MRCP 1 course covering and strengthening all the majors and minors. iSAAC also makes your journey easy through most of the key facts, the latest NICE guidelines and updated information. Pastest, with iSAAC, has created a key for any medico to crack open the lock of MRCP.

It's the best, most trustworthy, must try resource for anyone who wants to get through MRCP 1 over three to four months of preparation.

I cleared my MRCP Part 1 within three months of my subscription to Pastest. iSAAC was a key factor. With my job of eight hrs per day and six days per week, I had to cover all the subjects, and with iSAAC I managed this in no time. The entire Pastest platform was excellent to use. I didn't have to read all the books and other materials which were recommended by other websites and students.

I strongly recommend all the medicos to go through Pastest for MRCP 1, especially iSAAC - one of the outstanding systems which will make you completely prepared for the exam without any stress or fear. My Pastest experience has made me very confident. I have cleared my MRCP Part 2 as well at my first attempt with only Pastest, no other study materials were required."

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