New Patient Cases Produced for PACES 2020

We’ve been busy working to ensure we’re up-to-date with the revised PACES 2020 exam format.

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PACES patient cases
Important notice: As a consequence of the disruption caused by COVID-19, the introduction of the new PACES 2020 exam format will be delayed until 2023.

We’ve been busy working to ensure we’re up-to-date with the revised PACES 2020 exam format.

Filming a PACES 2020 Exam Format Case

We’re filming 52 brand new cases which will be released in time for you to prepare for the first round of the new exams (now anticipated in 2022).

These new cases will ensure that you have access to videos for all 5 stations which will closely reflect the new exam format.

Clinical Consultation

For the adapted Station 5, now known as the Clinical Consultation station, we’re producing 26 brand new cases.

Six of those have already been filmed, including:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Marfan syndrome
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cervical myelopathy
  • Headache / Migraine
  • Acromegaly

Clinical Consultations will now be present in Stations 2 and 5, each of which will be 20 minutes in total. Candidates will be given 14 minutes for history and examination and one minute for reflection, followed by five minutes to feed back to the examiner.

We’ve carefully planned each patient case to ensure that we get a detailed history and demonstrate thorough, professional examinations within the allotted time. The length of these stations has been increased, to allow candidates more time in order to simulate a more realistic clinical consultation.

Communication Skills

There are now two 10-minute communication encounters in Stations 1 and 4, combined with 10-minute physical examinations covering Respiratory and Abdominal cases.

The main differences from the current exam format are that the Communication Skills station is now ten minutes in length rather than 14, and will no longer include feedback or questioning from the examiner.

We’re pleased to announce that we have already completed filming for 26 Communication Skills cases!

Watch this space for further updates on new content for the revised PACES 2020 exam!

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