Revising with the Pastest App: A Review, by Katie Wood

Katie found Pastest to be a great resource for her medical school finals revision. Check out what she thinks of us here!

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Mobile App Review

As of Spring 2023 we now have a brand new app! Download now for iOS and Android!

“Why has this happened to me in revision time?!” – these were my thoughts as my car broke down a mere 10 days before my medical school finals. The stress of many an hour spent frantically cramming knowledge into every part of my brain was apparent, and the thought of having another thing to sort out was exhausting. To make matters worse, my breakdown cover could not get to me for 2 whole hours.

“2 precious revision hours lost! What an absolute nightmare!” – Medicine was the only thing which had consumed my time for the past few months, and as exams drew closer the pressure to spend every waking minute learning and testing my knowledge grew.

However, I was lucky. Just the week prior, I’d signed up to Pastest. The Pastest mobile app is great as it allows you to download questions for offline use, which means that any spare second can be filled with revising. Each answer has thorough explanations which are easy to understand, and can even help fill any gaps in knowledge. You can filter the type of questions you want to practice, and can even filter by the medical school which you attend. Therefore, I fired up the app, and utilised those 2 hours effectively. I was able to do an entire past paper to time, and brushed up on some neurology that I had been looking at the previous day. I felt more confident knowing that I had practiced some MCQ questions – the exam was just over a week away after all.

During the exam, the MCQ format was similar to what I had practiced using Pastest. Throughout practicing, I had learned that it was best to go with my gut instinct as to what the correct answer was – no changing my mind at the last minute. In this way, Pastest helped me to refine my exam technique.

Overall, I found Pastest to be a great resource for my medical school finals revision. Then, last week I found out that I have passed my exams, and am soon to be graduating as a doctor. Life goal achieved! Now, just to get that car sorted…

Katie Wood
4th year medical student
Warwick Medical School

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