Practice for your exams
Elevate your exam performance by working through our Past Papers tailored to reflect the most recent themes from the MRCPCH AKP exam. These papers allow for focused revision and aid in developing effective exam strategies.
Elevate your exam performance by working through our Past Papers tailored to reflect the most recent themes from the MRCPCH AKP exam. These papers allow for focused revision and aid in developing effective exam strategies.
Past candidates recommend answering as many practice questions as you can in advance of the exam - by using our resource you'll never run out! Pastest MRCPCH AKP Question bank is also aligned to the latest exam breakdown.
✓ 2,160 Questions updated for 2024 - more added every week
Experience the Pastest Advantage-our resources are the most relevant and effective tools for medical exam preparation. With a laser focus on aligning our materials with the exact content and format of medical exams, we ensure that students receive the most accurate and up-to-date resources available.
Over the past few months, the Pastest team has been working tirelessly to ensure that our AKP resource is up to date with the new guidelines for question types. Here's what you need to know:
Changes will be implemented across all MRCPCH written exams, AKP in May, and FOP/TAS in June.
In November 2023, the RCPCH announced that all questions in the Sep/Oct exam diets would be SBAs, removing all EMQ, NofM, and CHDI questions.
Our dedicated Paediatrics Team has embarked on converting all existing content to SBA format.
Additionally, we will be adding hundreds of new questions to the subscriptions moving forward.
Introducing Microlearning, a comprehensive, searchable library of Media, Expanded Explanations (written topic summaries) and Flashcards, designed to strengthen your knowledge on hot topics that commonly appear in the MRCPCH AKP exam.
With comprehensive coverage of over 300 topics - ranging from Anaphylaxis to Wilson's Disease (and everything inbetween), you'll never need to scour the web for critical MRCPCH AKP exam content again!
At Pastest we know all there is to know about the MRCPCH AKP exam - and how to help you pass! This expertise, developed through detailed analysis of each exam sitting and listening to our loyal customers, means we are able to produce the most accurate MRCPCH AKP revision resource available.