Primary FRCA (MCQ) Revision

Work through over 1,000 Primary FRCA (MCQ) questions in single best answer (SBA) format

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Practice for your exams

Elevate your exam performance by working through our question bank tailored to reflect the most recent themes from the Primary FRCA MCQ exam. These questions allow for focused revision and aid in developing effective exam strategies.

Learn the material

Past candidates recommend answering as many practice questions as you can in advance of the exam - by using our resource you'll never run out! Pastest FRCA (MCQ) Question bank is also aligned to the latest exam breakdown.

✓ Dynamic explanations to 392 questions in the Qbank

Get the Pastest Advantage

Experience the Pastest Advantage-our resources are the most relevant and effective tools for medical exam preparation. With a laser focus on aligning our materials with the exact content and format of medical exams, we ensure that students receive the most accurate and up-to-date resources available.

Primary FRCA experts

At Pastest we know all there is to know about the Primary FRCA (MCQ) exam - and how to help you pass! This expertise, developed through detailed analysis of each exam sitting and listening to our loyal customers, means we are able to produce the most accurate Primary FRCA (MCQ) revision resource available.

What is Primary FRCA (MCQ)?

The Primary FRCA (MCQ) is the first of four exams that need to be taken - and passed - to become a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA). The following exams are Primary FRCA OSCE/SOE, Final FRCA Written and Final FRCA SOE. 

Primary FRCA (MCQ) Exam Format

The exam is three hours long and includes 90 Single Best Answer Questions (SBA). This is broken down as follows: 30 questions in pharmacology; 30 questions in physiology, including related biochemistry and anatomy; and 30 questions in physics, clinical measurement and data interpretation.

Each SBA question has five plausible options. Candidates must decide which is the correct or best answer.

In terms of marking, one mark is awarded for each correctly answered SBA. There is no negative marking in the exam.

How to apply

The exam takes place three times a year - in February, September and November - and costs £325. Applications open 3-4 months before each exam - for a full timetable and further application and payment details visit the RCOA website.

What our users say

About their Pastest product

Pastest was recommended by a friend to use in preparation for the FRCA Part 1 exam. I found the App very useful as could download and work through a "set" of questions at a time. A broad variety of topics covered and I like the fact that the answers are provided immediately with a comprehensive explanation, sometimes with relevant graphs/tables/illustrations. The dashboard settings help you to monitor your progress through the question database and you can opt for new questions only or include those you have got wrong before.

Jane Orrock

Used Pastest for both MRCP and FRCA and I’ve passed first time for all the written components, mainly because Pastest has a huge variety and number of questions.

Gemma Summons

Great question bank! Have used Pastest in preparation for the Primary FRCA MCQ and SBA. Great variety of questions including SBA. Easy interface to use. Mostly used the mobile app which was quite slick and effective.

Ephraim O'Dea