Essentials of Biostatistics for Step 1
Here we will discuss some essentials of biostatistics for Step 1.
When preparing for PACES it's important to see as many patients as possible, so here's a sample 'Breaking Bad News' scenario to give you extra prac...
Successful PACES candidate Lucy shares her top tip for passing the exam - getting a revision buddy.
Dipen Patel, a Pastest MRCP 1 and MRCP 2 user (who passed both the first time!) has shared his thoughts on iSAAC - our new MRCP 1 AI feature design...
Dr Faiz Mukthar Chemban guides us through his MRCP journey where he managed to pass all his exams first time...using Pastest!
Making use of Pastest’s free mobile app is not just a great way to cram in more revision – it can help you get a better mark too!
Dr Ethan Bateson provides us with hints and tips for surviving your first week on the ward.
Ethics within medicine is commonplace and this article highlights certain situations where ethics are prominent and provides further insight into h...
Dr Samuel Bourke, University of Birmingham Graduate and British army doctor, discusses the identification, causes and management of delirium
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Junior doctor Catrin Jones passed MRCS Part A in her first attempt. Here are her 5 top tips for revising effectively and getting that elusive 'pass'.
It goes without saying that sitting any exam is likely to be a stressful experience. When it comes to Step 1, there are lots of things you can do b...
A unique piece of research on the revision behaviour of MRCS A candidates has shown that while practice doesn’t quite make perfect, it does signif...