The Impact of Imposter Syndrome in the Medical Community
This phenomenon initially came to our attention after speaking to the CEO and founder of You Okay Doc?, Dr. Daniel Ge...
Early reflections on the October 2023 MRCP Part 1 exam, including advice from candidates and expert opinion from Pastest.
In the demanding world of healthcare, self-care is your secret superpower. These bite-sized tips are here to support you—easy, effective, and craft...
One of the key factors in successful exam prep is being able to focus during your allocated study time. Here's how you can keep focused to achieve ...
Early reflections on the May 2023 MRCPCH AKP exam, including advice from candidates and expert opinion from Pastest.
Pastest, the UK’s leading online medical revision resource, has partnered with mental health charity You Okay, Doc? in an industry first initiative...
Now that the start date for the new exam format has been confirmed, we are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new PACES 2023 online resource!
In this blog, we'll discuss some tips for coping with mental health challenges while studying for medical exams.
Reflections on the 2023/1 MRCP PACES exam, including advice from candidates and expert opinion from Pastest.
A guide to how AI can assist you with your revision for important medical exams.
Find out about the proposed changes to the MRCP 2 PACES examination and how Pastest are updating their resource to match it.
In his latest blog, Elliott Campbell MD discusses the resources and must review concepts in relation to the Immunology section of the USMLE Step 1 ...
In his latest blog, Elliott Campbell MD discusses the resources and must review concepts in relation to the biochemistry section of the USMLE Step ...