13 Tips to Ensure a Healthy Lifestyle Whilst Preparing for USMLE Step 1
Medical school and residency can be the most stressful and anxiety-provoking times in a young doctor’s life. Read our...
One aspect of social media rising in popularity throughout the medical community is the idea of “med-fluencers”. We wanted to share some of our fav...
Our founders reflect on the early days of the company and how it has evolved to become the modern, online test prep provider it is today.
The AKT is the Applied Knowledge Test, a computerised multiple-choice examination which is the first of the three components of the MRCGP - the oth...
Elliott Campbell MD, Pastest question writer and high-scoring candidate, shares expert advice on how to devise an effective USMLE Step 1 study sche...
Dr Paddy Robinson provides us with information detailing the differences between the MRCPCH FOP & TAS exams.
Our Expanded Explanations feature provides a detailed overview of a topic - similar to this one on Renal Transplantation - alongside related questi...
We're pleased to report that we now offer Expanded Explanations in our Pastest Med Students, PLAB 1, MRCP Part 1, MRCP Part 2, MRCP PACES, MSRA, MR...
Check out our latest insights about the MRCPCH Clinical February 2021 exam. We’ve been busy collecting candidate feedback through telephone intervi...
Learn how to help simplify your revision with 4 types of mnemonics, the learning technique which helps improve and assist the memory.
Here is an example of an Expanded Explanation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Everything you need to know if you’re going to sit the USMLE Step 1 exam.
We've collated the experiences of our customers sitting exams online, to ensure that future candidates are prepared for this new challenge.