Anatomy: The Key to Passing MRCS Part A
Revising anatomy is a daunting prospect. I’m going to break down the revision process for you into six simple(ish) st...
Revising effectively can be the difference between a pass and a resit. Take a look at these 3 tips for making sure you make the most of your revisi...
At Pastest, we pride ourselves on our in-depth and up-to-date exam knowledge. We’re committed to keeping our customers informed about the latest ex...
Katie found Pastest to be a great resource for her medical school finals revision. Check out what she thinks of us here!
TED Talks have become renowned for allowing experts, innovators and thought leaders from a variety of different careers and pathways, to share amaz...
Find out how Sarah Foot, a previous Pastest user, prepared for MRCP PACES during the pandemic.
If you want to maximise your performance in the MRCP Part 2 exam, you can find out more about our online resource
How should you prepare for the ever-difficult PACES exam? Dr Jez Hunter passed PACES only a few weeks ago - here are his top 5 tips for exam success.
We’ve been busy working to ensure we’re up-to-date with the revised PACES 2020 exam format.
The new, improved Pastest app has just landed in the App Store and Google Play!
Recently-successful Part 1 candidate Emily MacGregor shares her insight on how to keep your revision interesting & check you're learning materi...
Get to grips with high-yield pathology images commonly seen in the USMLE Step 1 exam.
Dr Bourke walks you through the NHS ePortfolio: reflections, case-based discussions, mini-clinical evaluation exercise & direct observation of ...